Acupuncture: the scientific evidence
Three million British people every year choose acupuncture to treat a range of medical conditions. But there is still confusion over...
1,000-year-old onion and garlic eye remedy kills MRSA
A 1,000-year-old treatment for eye infections could hold the key to killing antibiotic-resistant superbugs, experts have said. Scientists...
Acupuncture Lowers Hypertension
Acupuncture successfully lowers blood pressure in patients with hypertension. Researchers conducted a randomized, controlled clinical...
Bothered by hot flashes? Acupuncture might be the answer, analysis suggests
A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials indicates that acupuncture can affect the severity and frequency of hot flashes for women...
Acupunctuur helpt bij hooikoorts
Hooikoortspatiënten zijn mogelijk gebaat bij acupunctuur. Het vermindert het aantal klachten en patiënten hebben minder geneesmiddelen...
Omega-3 fatty acids help improve boys' attention spans, research shows
The study found that in a small clinical trial involving boys 8 to 14 years old, parents rated their son's ability to pay attention more...
Healthy songs: the amazing power of music therapy
Music therapy has grown from relative obscurity to a practice that is becoming fairly mainstream, largely due to the advocacy of...
Acupuncture: From Quack Science to Proven Medical Treatment
There are many alternative treatments that have been considered (and still are) as quack medicine by the all-seeing and all-knowing...
Acupuncture as good as drugs for overactive bladder
Acupuncture results in significant subjective improvements in overactive bladder (OB) symptoms and may be a clinically relevant...
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