Acupuncture is a system of complementary medicine in which fine needles are inserted in the skin at specific points along what are...
The Concept of 天 Tian – Heaven – in Chinese medicine
天 Tian – Heaven is an abstraction of the most supreme in your body. Normally we connect Tian with the brain. Meaning that we are speaking...
How Is Japanese Acupuncture Different?
By Sara Calabro Many acupuncturists say on their websites that they practice Japanese acupuncture. Ever wonder what that means? How...
Using Transcendental Meditation To Strengthen The Nervous System
This writing is not in promotion of the services one must pay for to attain meditative guidance. We only hope to provided awareness for...
Acupuncture Ups Memory For Dementia Patients
New research demonstrates that acupuncture is effective for the treatment of vascular dementia. Published in the Chinese Journal of...
Breaking the Western Medicine Paradigm: How Double-Blind Studies Sell Acupuncture Short
Every now and again, when I tell someone that I’m an acupuncturist, I find myself in a finger-pointing debate about whether acupuncture...
Immune system genes may change with the season
Our mood, metabolism and sex lives are dependent on the seasons, and now it seems, so is our immune system. In a study published today,...
Ultrasound Could Treat Alzheimer's Disease
Ultrasound scans are very useful for peering inside the body; using high-frequency sound waves, doctors can create images of various...
5 Ways To Stop Bad Vibes And Neutralize Negative Energy
By Andrea Schulman| We all encounter bad vibes from time to time. Being around negative people or having a negative experience can set...
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Praktijk dicht op: 27 april, 25 mei.